World Communion Sunday and other announcements

World Communion Sunday and other announcements

World Communion Sunday / Announcements Below

This Sunday we will be celebrating Holy Communion, which we do the first Sunday of every month; however, this particular Sunday is World Communion when Christians around the world fellowship together at the Lord’s Table. With this in view, the entire worship hour will be centered around the Lord’s Table.

Here are the list of hymns we will be singing:
  • Opening Hymn: I am Thine Lord
  • Great is Thy Faithfulness
  • Prayer Song: Take Time to Be Holy
  • One Bread, One Body
  • Let Us Break Bread Together
  • Closing Hymn: Breathe on Me Breath of God

To prepare us for Holy Communion, I will be delivering a short message (Homily) on Psalm 23


  • If you are reading this line – then you are aware that we have a new website. Be sure to spread the word about it. The address is
  • Be sure to look at the PRIORITY BOARD located alongside the wall in the Sanctuary. It contains a list of things that need to be addressed in order of importance.
  • The Nominations Committee will meet again Monday, October 7th @ 6pm
    • If you have been nominated to serve on a committee, be sure to let the person who nominated you know whether you have accepted the nomination or not before Monday evening. Thanks!
  • COFFEE & PASTRIES: On October 20th – we are going to try something a little different — we are going to have coffee and pastries available. Well, how is that different? We are going to set up some tables to sit at during the worship service where you can enjoy coffee and pastries DURING the service. Let’s try it and see what happens.

That’s all for now,

~Rev. Kendell Healy

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