What to Expect

What to Expect

Thank you for visiting us on-line, and thank you for considering visiting us in person for worship.

If you have seen one of our on-line worship service, you may have noticed that we try to keep our congregation out of view. This is purely out of respect and safety (some people don’t feel comfortable being on-line in that manner, so we keep them out of view. Also, we have children in the congregation, and we don’t want them on-line. What this means is that the online worship experience is focused solely on what is occurring in the front of the worship space—the praise band, Scripture readers & the Pastor. Ultimately, the online worship experience is much different than in person. So, here are some things that you can expect when visiting Grace-Lynnwood in Lancaster, SC.

What time does worship begin? 11am

What time should I arrive? Plan to arrive around 15-20 minutes before the worship service begins. This will give you enough time to enter the building, say hello, and make your way to a seat. Don’t worry about sitting in someone’s seat. If it’s empty – you are free to sit there.

What should I wear? Honestly, wear whatever you are comfortable wearing to a church worship service. I tend to wear dress pants and a dress shirt. Occasionally, I’ll wear a suit, but that’s just me, and I’m usually the only one wearing the suit, but hey—again, that’s just me. You can wear whatever you feel comfortable wearing. Here is a good example: Our worship directly has worn shorts and a t-shirt during worship whereas others will wear a pair of jeans. In other words, the dress varies.

Can I notify someone that I will be visiting? Absolutely, you can let me know and I’ll be on the lookout for you. (use the form on the bottom of this page to reach out to me).

What do I do when I arrive? From the parking lot, make your way toward the sidewalk that will lead you past the children’s playground and toward the church building. Keep on walking down the sidewalk, which will eventually run alongside the front of the church building. Keep on walking until you come to the glass doors located in the middle-front of the building. Note: you will pass by other doors that are not glass, but they are not the entrance. Just keep walking until you get to the glass front doors where a friendly person will welcome you and hand you a bulletin containing the order of worship. After that, you’ll be inside the building where someone will direct you to the sanctuary/worship space.

What is worship like? I try to keep worship sacred and relaxed. I’ve been leaning the worship services toward a blended service, which is a combination of both traditional and contemporary music. All worship service are centered around a theme and I do try to change things up from week to week. Here is a sample format of a worship service:

  • Welcome & Announcements
  • Call to Worship – either a prayer, a responsive reading that I put on the screen, a psalm, etc.
  • Praise Song: usually a traditional hymn (don’t worry if you don’t know it – it’s all on the screen)
  • Worship theme Scripture: This is a Scripture that sets the theme of the worship
  • Praise Song: A contemporary one (well, it’s not a traditional hymn)
  • Affirmation of Faith – usually the Apostles’ Creed or another affirmation
  • A time of prayer
  • Tithes & Offering — don’t worry about giving — you are our special guest! Besides, many people, including myself – use the online portal for giving – so when the offering plate comes around – just let it pass you by.
  • Scripture Reading: This is the Scripture I will be preaching on
  • Sermon: More of a “teaching” sermon than a “preaching” sermon — you’ll see.
  • Closing song
  • Sending forth —- parting words

What happens after the worship service? Naturally, people will be making their way toward the exit, but my wife and I try to be to leave. So, if you want to stick around and have a conversation with us about “whatever you want” – I/we would absolutely love that. With that said, we are looking forward to possibly meeting you.

Oh last thing, You may be wondering what to call me: Honestly, If your’e comfortable—just call me Kendell. However, if you prefer — I go by: Reverend Healy -or- Pastor Kendell — I don’t have a nickname.

If you would like to let me (Pastor Kendell) know that you will be visiting, use this form.
After receiving your message, I’ll notify the greeters to be on the lookout for you. We are excited to meet you.